
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Efficient with the "Private Cloud On Demand"

For small companies and medium enterprises that have a primary business depends on the server, cloud services becomes an attractive alternative because it offers significant cost efficiencies. The solution provides efficiency in terms of costs and management servers compared to a dedicated server.
Effective for service providers such as company-persahaan news online, game providers, content providers, application providers, and others, do not need to buy servers and perform their own maintenance. All submitted to the service provider cloud.
However, on the other side of each user is still able to manage their own server. It is now available enterprise services private cloud or cloud, cloud system designed dedicated only to one company / institution / community course (single tenant). Similarly, public cloud, in a private cloud also consists of a collection of physical servers, storage, network equipment (pooled resources) that are integrated in the cloud management platform. The difference with public cloud, cloud with private companies have control and authority is greater.
Perusahaanlah who became administrator of this cloud system, not its service providers. The Company also reserves the right to use this cloud system only for certain groups, not shared with other parties. Private cloud also has a higher security level because it arises from the dedicated-designed equipment and single-tenant only to companies that own didaftarkan.Perusahaan can also add other security systems such as Instruction Detection System (IDS) or dedicated-firewall.
One company that provides private cloud is PT. Lintas Media Danawa (LMD), a subsidiary Lintasarta, through new services Cozy (, launched on Tuesday (10/05/2011). The advantages offered by private cloud of which the company is offering an affordable commodity hardware, with professional technical support, a cloud management platform to the total cost is lighter, too fast installation process.
Cozy Cloud Management Platform has been integrated with all needs of cloud systems, including virtualization (hypervisor), operation otomation, dashboards, security, auto-provisioning system, integration with the billing system, making it easy to install without having a lot of the integration process. Private Cloud can be equipped with On Demand service so that costs incurred by the company's more controlled. On Demand Cloud enables companies only pay in accordance with good usage in the amount of resources used and the duration of usage.
If the company uses servers only 10 hours per day degan capacity of 2 GB of RAM the server (eg after hours, the server is in shut-down), then the fees payable by the company just as much as 10 hours of use per day with resorces unused 2 GB (or can be called 20 gigabytes of-hours per day). Another example, if an when the company requires 6 GB of RAM resources for 3 days, and then it setela RAM resources back to normality, such as 2 GB, then the customer is only billed for 3 days for the use of 6 GB, and are billed for normal usage 2 GB of RAM for other time periods.
"It is very save cost and you can save money if counted 30 to 40 percent compared with no system on demand," said Arief R. Yulianto, President Director of PT. Lintas Media Danawa (LMD).
Companies no longer subscribe to the cloud system for one full year with the same quota throughout the year, which is not necessarily used up everything, because the On Demand system is paid only on the basis of length of use or number of unused resources. Ups and downs of unused resources that could be a direct request through an account that has been registered.
For example, when Football Saga, one of the Cozy customer traffic increased after the national television station raised their profile. It was Football Saga directly to request additional resources for several hours to support the increased traffic. After the traffic returned to normal, resources were lowered into position.
If companies do not have time to manage servers, Cozy also provide managed service server cloud. First, the installation and configuration of operating systems and alplikasi (certain). Second, acting as administrator of the company. Third, maintenance and problem handling (both hardware and applications). Fourth, back up your data. Fifth, monitoring and reporting.

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